Benefits of membership

Members enjoy these benefits:

  • Registration of two delegates (corporate members) for the Annual Congress at a reduced rate (reduced rate for one member for other membership categories);
  • Two copies of the Congress invitation programme (one copy for other membership categories);
  • Two sets of the annual publications (“Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International” in book form) containing the General reports on the main subjects to be discussed at the Congress and all Branch reports in digital format (one copy for other membership categories);
  • Access to the secured part of the website ( which contains the digital database of Cahiers de Droit Fiscal (from 1980 to 2020), a database of Congress documents, research papers and other documents of interest;
  • Subscription to IFA’s monthly newsletter;
  • Possibility to participate in Branch and Regional activities.

When you become a member of IFA, you join a a dynamic network of regulators, policy makers, judges, industry tax professionals, lawyers, accountants and top university professors with a particular focus in international tax.

Attractive annual membership rates are available to Individuals and Corporates, with low or no cost membership for those under 40 years of age.

Individual and corporate members benefit from unparalleled international tax networking opportunities as well as access to technical events hosted by the Australian Branch, including a dedicated Young IFA Network (YIN) and Women of IFA Network (WIN) programme. Members also have access to national and regional meetings focused exclusively on international tax, as well, at reduced member rates. The annual IFA Global Congress provides members with the opportunity to interact with colleagues from across the globe as well as access to foreign government tax officials, OECD representatives and other global experts.

In addition, both Individual and Corporate members enjoy the benefit of reduced rate registration, access to IFA Global’s extensive library of annual publications, known as the Cahiers (“Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International”), and annual hard copy of the Cahiers containing the General reports on the main subjects to be discussed at the annual IFA Global Congress and all Branch reports in digital format. Corporate members enjoy the opportunity to register two delegates for the annual IFA Global Congress and Regional meetings at a reduced rate and receive two copies of the Cahiers.

Login to IFA Global

Login to your IFA Global account here

Join or renew membership

Please complete the membership application below.
Payment can be made immediately following the ‘Pay now’ button on the bottom of the form.
For all other membership enquiries, including obtaining an application form, please complete the contact form here.

Corporate/firm contacts

Contact Details

In case we need to contact you



For online payments, please note your total amount due and enter it through the PayWay system. Once payment is completed, please close the PayWay payment tab and re-load the IFA Australia branch website if you wish to.

Personal Details

Contact Details

In case we need to contact you



For online payments, please note your total amount due and enter it through the PayWay system. Once payment is completed, please close the PayWay payment tab and re-load the IFA Australia branch website if you wish to.

Personal Details

Applicant must be 40 years old or under at 31 December in membership year

Contact Details

In case we need to contact you



For online payments, please note your total amount due and enter it through the PayWay system. Once payment is completed, please close the PayWay payment tab and re-load the IFA Australia branch website if you wish to.

Personal Details

Applicant must be 30 years old or under at 31 December in membership year

Contact Details

In case we need to contact you


Membership free until 31 years old

Member feedback

We welcome member feedback. Please complete the form below and we will respond to your query.

For all other correspondence, please contact:


International Fiscal Association Australia Ltd
c/Arnold Bloch Leibler
Level 21, 333 Collins Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
+61 3 9229 9753

Contact IFA Australia