Women in IFA
About Women in IFA
The Women of IFA Network (WIN) was established by IFA in 2013 in Copenhagen by Jeanne Goulet (USA) and Carol Tello (USA). Jeanne, who is now the Chair of the WIN Committee, and Carol organised the first gathering wikth around 60 women, who all expressed an interest in establishing a WIN group.
The WIN was established with the goal of increasing the visibility of women in IFA and building an international referral network of women in international taxation. WIN hosts panels and seminars with women speakers and establishes WIN groups at national levels for IFA branches. A Steering Committee was formed for WIN to ensure presentation of women in the scientific programme of IFA.
Denise Honey (Pitcher Partners) and Amanda Kazacos (KWM) are the Australian WIN representatives on the WIN Committee.

WIN Events
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Women in IFA Committee
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